Computer Numerical Control



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Název testu:
Match the expressions in List A with those in List B:

1. specified proportion a) given ratio 1 =
2. outlined design b) redesigned machine 2 =
3. draughtsman c) technological progress 3 =
4. improved version of a machine d) pre-production stage 4 =
5. floppy disk e) expenditures for development 5 =
6. considerable increase f) roughly proportional 6 =
7. development stage g) technical help 7 =
8. by means of h) significant progress 8 =
9. technical assistance i) sketched project 9 =
10. development cost k) with the aid of 10 =
11. technical development l) specialist in designing 11 =
12. important advance m) drawer 12 =
13. approximately proportional n) notable rise 13 =
14. being developed o) flexible disk 14 =
15. expert in designing p) under development 15 =